Celebrating Women

If you’ve been a longtime follower of the blogs I post on here, you know that Island Contessa is all about empowering and supporting women. Part of our mission is to give back a portion of our profits to domestic violence shelters. Currently, we are supporting the Women’s Coalition of St. Croix towards their goal of ending domestic violence and helping them rebuild their programs following the devastating hurricanes that hit the island last year. Before the hurricanes hit, I had been working with a local artist, Isabelle Picard, to design a new fundraiser for the shelter. Following the hurricanes, it was, necessarily so, put the project on the back burner. We’ve spent some time developing something unique that I think you will want to be a part of. The pictures on this blog represent three pieces of fabric that Isabelle has embellished with her beautiful artistic style. Each piece is made of different fabric—linen, cotton and a cotton blend. They also vary in sizes. We will auction off each of the original pieces with all of the proceeds from this event going to the Women’s Coalition. If the prices go to high for your budget (and we’re certainly hoping they do); no need to fret. We are then going to have the original designs reproduced and make them into pillows that you will be able to purchase through the Island Contessa website with a portion of the proceeds still going to the Women’s Coalition. The winners of the original pieces will have the option to have the designs made into the item of their choosing–pillow, wall-hanging, pouf. The auction will take place the first week of June, so mark your calendars!
Celebrating women is something we should really do every day. With Mother’s Day this weekend, we hope you take the time to thank your mother or a woman who has been like a mother to you for the special place they have in your life. Isn’t that, after all, what we should do! My mother is no longer with me but she taught me from an early age to revere and honor women. I know she would be pleased that I am working to help other women.
And from me, I wish all the mothers of two-legged and four-legged kids, daughters, friends, grandmothers, step-mothers, women everywhere, a blessed and happy Mother’s Day.