Monthly Archives - December 2015

I firmly resolve…

New Year's Resolutions.  Made any in your lifetime?  I'm betting you have and if you're like most people, this is the list: 1. Exercise more (lose weight, be healthy, other choices) ​2. Find a job (a new one, quit the old one, start a business) 3. Save money (more money, some money) ​4. Resolve...


Girl Crush

There's a very popular country song called Girl Crush that talks about a woman who has been wronged and how she wishes she could understand what her man sees in her nemesis by kissing her lips, etc.  You get the picture.  In the country music world, it has been somewhat...


Bossy Women

"I just love bossy women.  I could be around them all day.  To me, bossy is not a pejorative term at all.  It means somebody's passionate and engaged and ambitious and doesn't mind leading."  Amy Poehler, actor The number of women owned businesses in the US is estimated at 9.4 million...


Island Living

Good mahnin'!  It's the frequent chime of island voices when you pass them whether its in the grocery store or the post office or on the street.  It's usually repeated several times as a friendly gesture and depending upon the good mood of the speaker.  When my husband and I...